Driving While License Invalid (DWLI) is a criminal offense in Texas. Individuals operating a motor vehicle when their Driver's License is invalid, suspended, revoked, denied, or canceled can be stopped by law enforcement and cited or arrested for DWLI....
Results Matter. Texans Trust Trey Porter Law.
Assault is dangerous. While all acts of physical violence are dangerous, in Texas, Assault charges can be based solely on a verbal allegation. Physical evidence is not required, and often absent. This creates a dangerous situation for the accused....

Your Legal Roadmap: Answering Your Questions

Question 1

What are the penalties for marijuana possession?

Marijuana is illegal at the federal level and at the state level in Texas. The possession or sale of marijuana is subject to severe criminal penalties, including lengthy prison sentences and substantial fines. Read more.
Question 2

How is assault defined in Texas?

In Texas, Assault is causing bodily injury to another, threatening another with immediate bodily injury, or physically contacting another person in a provocative or offensive manner. Assault is a criminal offense that ranges in punishment depending on the circumstances. For example, Assault causing Bodily Injury is normally a class A misdemeanor carrying a maximum $4,000 fine and 1 year jail sentence, while Assault of a Public Servant is a third degree felony punishable by a maximum $10,000 fine and 2 to 10 years in prison. Read more.
Question 3

What is the Statute of Limitations on crimes?

A Statute of Limitations is a time restriction on the filing of criminal charges. A criminal case may not be filed after expiration of the relevant Statute of Limitations. Most criminal offenses have a Statute of Limitations, which vary depending on the offense. Read more.
Question 4

What are the Texas Open Container Laws?

In Texas, an open container is anything containing any amount of alcohol that is not sealed. This includes capped, but previously opened bottles, cans, flasks, thermoses, and Yeti cups. An Open Container violation is described in Section 49.031 of the Texas Penal Code... Read more.
Question 5

What is Deferred Adjudication?

A deferred adjudication is a special form of community supervision that allows an individual to avoid the risk of incarceration and a final conviction. In order to be granted deferred adjudication, a defendant must enter a plea of “guilty” or “no contest” and waive many constitutional rights in exchange for a pathway to dismissal. This typically involves being on community supervision for an agreed period of time and completing and abiding by an agreed set of terms and conditions. Read more.
Question 6

What is a motion to suppress evidence?

A Motion to Suppress evidence is a request to exclude certain forms of evidence from a criminal trial. If granted by the judge, a Motion to Suppress can decimate the prosecution’s case, making it an invaluable tool for defending a criminal charge in Texas. Read more.

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