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Trust the Leading DWI Attorneys in Texas with Proven Expertise, a Strong Track Record, and Personalized Strategies to Safeguard Your Future Against DWI Charges.

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Masters of Texas DWI Law - Your Best Defense Against DWI Charges

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Pleading guilty to a DWI charge in Texas results in a permanent criminal conviction. Additional consequences include loss of driving privileges, gun rights, travel restrictions, and immeasurable harm to future job opportunities and college and university admission. Should I plead guilty to Misdemeanor DWI in Texas?First-time offenders should only plead...

Everyone charged with DWI in Texas, even first-time offenders, faces a minimum of 6 months in jail. Texas DWI Penalties are severe. First-time DWI offenders face up to 1 year in jail, a $6,000.00 fine, court costs, a driver license suspension, and a permanent criminal conviction. Aggravating factors increase fine...

Driver’s convicted of DWI charges can face years of jail time, thousands of dollars in fines and fees, the loss of driving privileges, and potentially even their livelihood. With so much at stake, it is always worth fighting a DWI charge, no matter what the circumstances of your arrest. Can...

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The cost for DWI representation in Texas varies widely. While most attorneys bill at an hourly rate, DWI lawyers often work from a flat fee structure. In Texas, the charge affects the potential consequence, which can also impact cost. Geography matters too. Hiring defense counsel from out of town can...

Bail for first-time DWI charges in Texas rarely exceeds $5,000.00. This is the first of many costs associated with the Texas DWI process. Judges have total discretion over bond amounts.  What is bail for DUI in Texas?Bail is the money a person must pay to be released while their case...

Yes -- DWI charges show up on a background check forever in Texas. If the DWI was dismissed without probation, it is eligible for deletion through expunction. DWI convictions can now be sealed in certain circumstances with an order of nondisclosure....

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The stakes are high. Criminal charges can have devastating, lifelong consequences. During the free, confidential consultation, Mr. Porter will answer questions surrounding your legal matter, and discuss and identify potential defenses.
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Legal Insights Unveiled:
Your Path to Clarity

Results matter when life and livelihood are on the line. DWI arrests are warrantless arrests, and the State is legally bound to a burden of proving the charge beyond all reasonable doubt.

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